Broadcasting, Writing, Installation.

VVFA is an international, collaborative project initiated in early 2015, telling tales across multiple media and disciplines. It includes a podcast series, spatial installations and performance, and public facing co-enquiries.

Subscribe to the Very Very Far Away podcast here to listen to our episodes and accompanying interviews.

Workshop, spatial installation, performance, podcast, 2015-ongoing.

Subscribe to the Very Very Far Away podcast here, to listen to our episodes and accompanying interviews.

What does it mean to venture into the Very Very Far Away? VVFA charts a journey into the unknown, exploring a web of entangled narratives from a possible future. It uses space exploration as a lens to examine and critique the collective idealism and aspirations derived from new and emerging technological advances, and the impacts that these may have upon our future society.

VVFA is recorded in Los Angeles, USA, and London, UK. Each episode of the podcast portrays a specific event, situation or individual operating in a potential future. These designed fictions unravel and expose aspects of the Very Very Far Away.


Concept, Writing: Andrew Friend, Sitraka Rakotoniaina, Jasmin Blasco
Voice Actor: Jordan Rountree
Engineering: Jeremy Emery, Elliot Hartley
Casting, Production: Sierra Feldner-Shaw.