Installation, Sculpture
Understory casts an abstracted presence, an obstacle to be navigated.

Photography © Joshua White – JWPictures.com

A previous piece, Furniture Is Something Soft Between You and The House, intervened at the architectural scale, blurring the line between furniture and sculpture. This accompanying piece, Understory, leaps into set design, beginning an ensemble of large-scale works that will serve as a stage for both performances and narrative work. Confusing the symbolic space between flooring and structure, the column casts an abstracted presence, an obstacle to be navigated, reconfiguring the viewer's circulation through the gallery space. Understory was created in conversation with designer David Okum and fabricated by Laurie Crogan. The piece was first presented as part of a group show at Baert Gallery: Color Is An Act Of Reason.
About Color Is An Act Of Reason:
From the press release: "Baert Gallery is pleased to present “Color is an act of reason,” a group exhibition featuring Jasmin Blasco, Melinda Braathen, Francesca Gabbiani, Reuben Gordon, Amy Mackay, Iliodora Margellos and Jebila Okongwu. The show as a whole is evocative of the luminous world of Bonnard. The title “Color is an act of reason” is pulled from the artist himself, who often utilized color as a response to the psychological nature of his work.”
Color Is An Act Of Reason
Baert Gallery
2441 Hunter St.
Los Angeles, CA 90021
08.03.19 - 09.14.19
Concept and Design: Jasmin Blasco and David Okum.
Fabrication: Laurie Crogan.
Photography: © Joshua White – JWPictures.com