Installation, Sculpture
Major Rift is a sound installation that evokes the emotions attributed to the various power dynamics within relationships found in the natural world. |

Photography © Ian Byers-Gamber.

Major Rift is an audio installation that explores the poetics of interspecies relationships. In this generative piece sound is sculpted to evoke the emotions attributed to the various power dynamics within relationships found in the natural world. Ranging from mutual benefit to mutual harm, the spectrum of symbiosis spans mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, amensalism and of course competition. Custom software developed by Seth Rosetter plays back low-frequency content to encourage an embodied listening, immersing visitors in a common milieu and disrupting the acoustic ecosystem of Ecology Of The Edge. The two channel system features a variety of recordings including cello sounds made by Chris Votek with audio engineering by Jeremy Emery. Major Rift reflects on the possible implications of the de-centering of the human from the larger ecosystem by examining the liminal state between being and non-existence, prosody and language, and self and collectivity. Note: this recording features frequencies mostly below 100Hz and will require an adequate soundsystem to reproduce. About Ecology of the Edge: From "As anthropogenic climate change accelerates, the boundaries between humans and non-humans are constantly being redefined. In what ways can we shift our perspectives towards symbiotic relationships between our bodies and the land we inhabit? An Ecology of the Edge proposes works in which the temporal dimension of sensory processes is foregrounded as part of a larger system. There will be a focus on interactive and time-based works including performances, panel discussions and sound and video works in large scale installation settings.” |
Ecology Of The Edge
Human Resources
410 Cottage Home St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
11.29.19 - 12.08.19
Concept and Sound Design: Jasmin Blasco.
Custom Software: Seth Rosetter.
Audio Engineering: Jeremy Emery.
Cello: Chris Votek.
Photography: © Ian Byers-Gamber –